Cleaning manual


Siivoustyön käsikirja in English!

The manual for cleaning work is translated from the 26th edition of Puhtausala ry’s (The Association of the Finnish Cleaning Industry) classic Finnish version Siivoustyön käsikirja. This is the second English edition of the book. The first edition of the book was published by the organization department of the Ministry of Finance already in 1971, when it was the first extensive cleaning textbook published in Finland. The popular book, which is still in use, has been revised numerous times over the decades and more than 20 editions have been taken from the book.

The book is divided into 13 main chapters, which are:

  1. Cleaning as a profession
  2. Occupational health and safety
  3. Ability to work and health
  4. Environmentally friendly cleaning
  5. Dirt
  6. Cleaning methods
  7. Cleaning agents
  8. Cleaning equipment
  9. Cleaning machines
  10. Floor materials
  11. Wall, ceiling and furniture materials
  12. Cleaning in different types of properties
  13. Ancillary services

The manual for cleaning work is suitable as a basic work in the cleaning industry for workplaces, studying the industry, self-study and for anyone who wants to develop their knowledge in the cleaning industry. The professional requirements of the field have expanded in recent years, and the ability to develop one’s own work is one of the basic skills of those working in the field.



Kirjan tiedot
Puhtausala ry
180 sivua

Julkaisuvuosi: 2023
Julkaisija: Puhtausala ry
Painopaikka: Grano

ISBN 978-952-7509-03-6


Paino 0,7 kg (kilogramma)